Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Benchside: Honeycombs for Beezus, a fundraiser

I want to start updating with creative pieces that are in the works. Here is a simple honeycomb piece I did for a fundraiser my best friend is up to, (click here to see her art car project).

 This is thick guage brass and nickel silver, more of an experiment to see what was possible to pull off cleanly for the fundraiser. I'm excited to continue and explore this direction.

Honeycomb pendant, brass, nickel silver, yellow and orange sapphire 2.5mm round

  What inspires you? :)


On Discipline and Enthusiasm...

  "As artists, grounding our self-image in military discipline is dangerous. In the short run, discipline may work, but it will only work for a while. By its very nature, discipline is rooted in self admiration. (Think of discipline as a battery, useful, but short lived.) We admire ourselves for being so wonderful. The discipline itself, not the creative outflow, becomes the point."
  "Over any extended period of time, being an artist requires enthusiasm more than discipline. Enthusiasm is not an emotional state. It is a spiritual commitment, a loving surrender to the creative process, a loving recognition of all the creativity around us."

- Julia Cameron, The Artists Way (p. 153)